A significant moment or two in the ongoing migration: I've kept my bird site account alive to check in on some specific topics that aren't covered here: #Gonzaga basketball news, #Rewilding in #Ireland, and some others.
A discord server for #Zags basketball just launched, hosted by one of the most visible podcasts hosts on the subject.
And while the #RewildingIreland folks haven't moved here (or elsewhere) yet, I found the @rewildingmag account.
So while some specific subjects are still sparse here, the birdsite isn't the only place to find them.
@patl @rewildingmag thanks for the tip about the mag!
@patl my problem with discord and similar is that you can't see anything without an account
Web forums are superior in that they can be seen, usually, by archive.org
@gizmomathboy True. There are a couple of forums for this basketball team but they're toxic.