take a minute & read this piece by @7im…
“The CS gas deployed resulted in protesters being exposed to concentrations far higher than those deemed “immediately dangerous to life and health” by a federal agency. In some instances, that safety threshold may have been exceeded by 2,200 times.”
#PDX mayor #TedWheeler was commissioner of #PortlandPolice when they were doing this. Don’t ever forget.
@dragginganox @7im @adrienne last time i heard about this it was that enough tear gas was used it got into the water, this seems even worse
@ianbobmorris @7im @adrienne yeah i suspect that whole situation is not going to get any nicer as it continues to be looked at in finer detail
@ianbobmorris @dragginganox @7im It doesn't even take all that much teargas for that to happen. (It also gets into the soil, which causes all kinds of problems, and it's hideously expensive to remediate.)