A Media Matters report highlights how right-wing media dominance extended beyond politics into sports, comedy and other cultural spaces to affect the outcome of the #2024Elections. #NewsCoverage #SocialMedia #MSM

A Media Matters report highlights how right-wing media dominance extended beyond politics into sports, comedy and other cultural spaces to affect the outcome of the #2024Elections. #NewsCoverage #SocialMedia #MSM
#MSM Have you written the obituary for the USA yet?
@BrianJopek do not why people especially Europeans are shocked he literally telegraphs every thing he wants to do then walks it back for the #msm press ... and it works
I wrote and submitted this short letter to the editor about cuts to #Alzheimer's research but the window for it being accepted has passed. I was hoping it might get picked up by the #MSM so people whose politics with whom I profoundly disagree might read it and see the damage that is being wrought by eviscerating #NIH -- if they can't understand its implications for others perhaps they could for themselves and their loved ones. Please share as you see fit.
I wrote and submitted this short letter to the editor about cuts to #Alzheimer's research but the window for it being accepted has passed. I was hoping it might get picked up by the #MSM so people whose politics with whom I profoundly disagree might read it and see the damage that is being wrought by eviscerating #NIH -- if they can't understand its implications for others perhaps they could for themselves and their loved ones. Please share as you see fit.
Anti #genocide protester climbing #bigben: https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/uk-news/barefoot-man-climbs-big-ben-31157635
Let’s see #msm twist this into being #antisemitism
"The news channel has nixed or demoted their most progressive anchors, all of whom are people of color. These are the hosts who have drawn the most ire from Donald Trump’s online warriors, according to Dave Zirin of The Nation (2/28/25). They are also some of the few who were willing to air the network’s rare criticism of Israel. In their stead, MSNBC has elevated Democratic Party apparatchiks and a center-right never-Trumper. "
Dear MSM,
Führer Trump has not ‘pivoted’ on Ukraine.
He has pivoted toward his master like an iron filing to a controlling magnet.
What he's done to Ukraine is a stab in the back.
His aim is the subjugation of Ukraine because he’s a Russian asset to Putin now—the West is dead to him, along with democracy and the US constitution.
Fuck you and your tender, ‘balanced’ nonsense.
Say it properly.
https://www.europesays.com/1888936/ Beyond Case Studies: Gies MSM Students Tackle Real Business Challenges #america #BeyondCaseStudies:GiesMSMStudentsTackleRealBusinessChallenges #business #Gies #GiesMSM #GiesMSMStudents #masters #MastersInManagement #msm #MSMStudents #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USA
This is the most honest and thorough response to the final transformation of centrist news to propaganda at #MSNBC Dave Zirin may be a political reporter discussing the sports sector of our society, but his insights about journalism’s politics are keen.
#MSNBC #DaveZirin #propaganda #MSM #politicsofjournalism
Today's headline, that overrides my resolution to NOT shitpost for a while, but just absorb.
#WaPo sinks to new levels.
"Jeff Bezos, the second richest person in America, who bought the Washington Post in 2013, announced that the paper’s opinion section would henceforth focus on defending 'personal liberties and free markets.'
"Anything inconsistent with this view would not be published. 'Viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.'
"The Post’s opinion editor, David Shipley, promptly resigned, as he should."
Getting Australia out of climate denial?
Get more sympathetic media coverage by involving the blokes from "resources and economic production, rural and regional areas, masculine norms, and conservative belief systems and politics"
Farmers, investors, miners and parents:
how unconventional climate advocates can reach new audiences "Holdout groups in Australia can include people associated with political conservatism, the business sector, farming, the resource sector, some religious groups and some sports fans."
#climate #climatedenial #RealityDenial #extractivism #industry #MasculineNorms #conflict #msm #media #LoggingImpacts #FossilFuels #ClimateBreakdown #ClimateAction
@inthehands I agree, it is a worthy vision. I am struggling to understand the method to “put the people they’ve marginalized in positions of actual power, give them actual ownership.” For a publicly owned company, does that mean something like a shareholder revolt? Or hostile takeover? For a privately owned company, the means are even more obscure to me. One thing I think we know for sure is that court ordered sales/breakups, anti monopoly legislation, or state seizures of #MSM property are not viable in the current political reality. Ideas?
I'm sure he finds the free coverage a nice feature.
I find it very concerning that, given the currrent state of #uspolitics, if American History X were released today, it would almost certainly be criticized as woke propaganda by the #msm...