I officiated a small, at-home wedding yesterday evening. A bonus for me was meeting the resident cat. Delilah complained bitterly about the decorations and, really, everything before wandering off to a quieter part of the house.
I officiated a small, at-home wedding yesterday evening. A bonus for me was meeting the resident cat. Delilah complained bitterly about the decorations and, really, everything before wandering off to a quieter part of the house.
I celebrated the change of seasons (and my birthday) with COVID. I felt lousy for a few days, but recovered quickly enough to officiate a #Pagan wedding in a gorgeous setting, run a #halfmarathon (very slowly but finished), and take in another late season injured #turtle last weekend. I'm trying catch up on everything this week, an impossible task, but glad to be feeling well again.
#Texas #weddingofficiant arrested after accidentally #shooting grandson during #wedding ceremony
What does the Interfaith Heathen do after flying home from a week attending the Parliament of the World's Religions? Why, he officiates a wedding, of course! #interfaith #interfaithminister #wedding #Officiant #WeddingOfficiant #pagan #heathen #interfaithheathen #DowningtownCountryClub #PA