KIs plappern #Putin- #Propaganda nach.
#ChatGPT und andere #KI -Bots fallen auf Putins-Propaganda herein und verbreiten diese weiter. Grund dafür ist eine groß angelegte Manipulation durch ein russisches Propagandanetzwerk.
KIs plappern #Putin- #Propaganda nach.
#ChatGPT und andere #KI -Bots fallen auf Putins-Propaganda herein und verbreiten diese weiter. Grund dafür ist eine groß angelegte Manipulation durch ein russisches Propagandanetzwerk.
In 2014, Russian media was awash with videos about Crimeans ”wanting to join Russia”
In 2025, US president referring to videos in right-wing media claiming Greenland ”wants to join USA”
Everything old is new again
#greenland #trump #propaganda
There is no indication of Ukrainian troops being encircled in Kursk.
Let alone thousands.
Hundreds were taken prisoner during Ukraine’s retreat from there, but the president’s statement is bullshit.
Amazing synchronisation with Russian propaganda from kamrat Krasnov again.
#ukraine #kursk #propaganda
@ProPublica The phrase “workforce management actions” is a truthful as Putin's phrase "special military operation" for full scale war against Ukraine. #postruth #propaganda
The bloggers rack up millions of views, promote #Russia as a haven for conservatives, glorify the war in Ukraine — and never disclose any ties to the Russian government. The money tells a different story.
Oh, joy. Lee Zeldin the new EPA head:
"I've been told the Endangerment Finding is considered the Holy Grail of the Climate Change religion. For me, the US Constitution, and the laws of this nation will be strictly interpreted and followed. No exceptions".
To start with, how are the two sentences linked?
"I have been told that a wooden cup, that used to be in a gilded metal box along with the shin bone of St Benedict, found in a field in Berkshire, is the Holy Grail of the Christian religion. For me, the US Constitution, and the laws of this nation will be strictly interpreted and followed. No exceptions".
Also, the snivelly little arse-nugget knows full well that Climate Change is a real, scientific fact, that people can see, smell, touch and taste but for now he's rich, and he will be dead in 30 years, so he doesn't give a toss when he kills potentially millions of people.
This takes us back to the whole idea that political decision-makers in his position who are deliberately spreading and trading in lies they know will kill people, should be charged with 2nd-degree murder for their deliberate actions.
#EPA #Zeldin #Arsenugget
#Murder #ClimateChange #Lies #Misinformation #Propaganda #USPol #Politics #Sorry #Greta #Trump #HolyGrail #Weaponised #Religion #GPT #AI
I see EDF are wheeling this tosh of an ad out again … Still waiting to hear from the Advertising Standards Authority.
Also available from me this week: Are you accidentally becoming a platform for fascist #propaganda?
I wrote about three mistakes I've seen well-meaning antifascist folks make, such as sharing Nazi stickers/banners/etc with uncensored URLs in them.
Tohle video natočil nějaký vizionář, který viděl, co bude v roce 2025 normální. Jsem zvědavý, kdy to dorazí k nám.
For the past week now Al Jazeera News Service has had a propaganda piece written by Republican Tim Constantine, displayed prominently on their main website page, full of "praise" for DT and saying how "great" what he's doing is... So I guess Al Jazeera now gets the boot as a reliable news source too..
Americans were not exposed to Russian propaganda randomly, but in accordance with their own susceptibilities…
—Timothy Snyder, The Road To Unfreedom (2018)
#russia #usa #propaganda
They are slowly realizing it and they are scared #Marxist #meme #antifa #leftist #anticapitalist #socialist #socialism #communism #classwar #climatechange #Revolution #propaganda #anarchism #anarchy #radical #extremist
"Israel’s Foreign Ministry announced on Tuesday that the government is to launch a "media war room" to target Palestine content online, in the latest attempt to propagate pro-Israel narratives on internet platforms."
Israel is scared. Despite millions of dollars in #lobbying, buying media, #politicians and #SocialMedia, the truth is coming out. Millions of #activists around the world expose the crimes of #Israel to people of the world.
#Propaganda #Genocide #Hasbara #Palestine #HasbaraArmy @palestine @israel
On this day in 1991, the people of #Lithuania declared their independence from #Moscow, escaping from decades of #Soviet rule. #Russians, unwilling to let go, responded with violence—as it always has.
Showing that nothing has changed for the Russian mindset, Russians intially sent tanks to take control of media with aim of installing their propagandists.
14 people were killed.
As is today, #propaganda is #Russia's #1 tool to disarm their targets. A lesson the west has yet to realize.
Silicon Valley Patronage, How To Subtly Drift Right, and the New Conservative Media Ecosystem